lördag 23 juni 2012

David Irving - A True Hero

1 kommentarer:

  1. The Destruction of Dresden (1963) ISBN 0-7057-0030-5
    The Mare’s Nest (1964)
    The Virus House (1967), behandlar det tyska atombombsprogrammet, vilket leddes av Werner Heisenberg.
    The Destruction of Convoy PQ17 (1967)
    Accident—The Death of General Sikorski (1967) ISBN 0-7183-0420-9
    Breach of Security (1968) ISBN 0-7183-0101-3
    The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (1973), biografi över Erhard Milch ISBN 0-316-43238-5
    Hitler’s War (1977), Hitlers krigsbiografi
    The Trail of the Fox (1977), a biography of Erwin Rommel ISBN 0-525-22200-6
    The War Path (1978) ISBN 0-670-74971-0
    The War Between the Generals (1981)
    Uprising! (1981), ISBN 0-949667-91-9
    The Secret Diaries of Hitlers Doctor (1983) ISBN 0-02-558250-X
    The German Atomic Bomb: The History of Nuclear Research in Nazi Germany (1983) ISBN 0-306-80198-1
    War Between the Generals (1986) ISBN 0-86553-069-6
    Churchill's War (1987), Churchills krigstid ISBN 0-947117-56-3
    Destruction of Convoy PQ-17, omtryckt (1989) ISBN 0-312-91152-1
    Göring (1989), biografi över Hermann Göring ISBN 0-688-06606-2
    Goebbels - Mastermind of the "Third Reich" (1996) ISBN 1-872197-13-2
    Hitler's War (1991), omarbetad upplaga, inklusive The War Path
    Nuremberg: The Last Battle (1996) ISBN 1-872197-16-7
    Churchill's War Volume II: Triumph in Adversity (1997) ISBN 1-872197-15-9
    Rommel: The Trail of the Fox, Wordsworth Military Library; Limited edition (1999) ISBN 1-84022-205-0
    Hitler’s War and the War Path (2002) ISBN 1-872197-10-8



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